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      Malaria - map of Sahel

      Latest update: - Authors: Ula Maniewski, Nele Alders

      Map of Sahel with malaria prevention recommendations

      This image shows a map of the Sahel countries. 

      • In the light pink regions, we recommend mosquito prevention and the risk of malaria is low. 
      • In the orange regions we recommend mosquito prevention for most travellers and in some specific situations also the intake of malaria tablets, the risk there is moderate.
      • In the red regions, we recommend mosquito prevention and the intake of malaria tablets and the risk is high.
      • In the purple regions, we recommend the same recommendations as in the red regions in the rainy season and the same recommendations as in the orange regions in the dry season.  

      A detailed description of these recommendations can be found in detail in the country sheets

      View a larger version of the map by clicking on it. This map may not be used or distributed for any commercial purposes.

      More information about malaria

      Map of Sahel with malaria risk areas

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